THE sound of music will ring out at the Riverside stadium next season when a lifelong Boro supporter unveils a symphony written in honour of his team.

Composer David Golightly has captured the last five years of events for Middlesbrough Football Club in the Symphony Number One, dedicated to the players and personnel at the club.

The team, who regularly use classical music as part of their pre-match build-up, have agreed to play parts of the symphony before next season's home games and a CD, recorded by the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, will be available at the MFC Retail stores.

Each of the symphony's four movements are inspired by the team's recent up and downs.

Mr Golightly, who was born in Stanhope and has been a Middlesbrough fan since he was seven, said: "I know it might seem odd to some people but it's perfect for this type of work.

"There's hope, tragedy, optimism, excitement, sadness and triumph all rolled into one. The final movement is a march, a triumphant finale that is absolute knock-out. It's a fanfare that represents the club and the fans marching together."

Mr Golightly is director of the British Academy of Composers and Songwriters, and has had a number of his scores used in Hollywood films.

Boro chairman Steve Gibson said: "I'm touched that David should decide to dedicate a piece of work that is obviously important to him, to myself and everyone at Middlesbrough. I've already heard initial recordings and was very impressed, but I look forward to hearing the finished symphony. I'm sure it will be worth the wait."