A WOODCARVER used the ideal medium when she created a sculpture for the former railway town of Saltburn.

Vivien Moudell was helped by Saltburn Primary School children when she completed her sculpture of Victorian Saltburn, carved into railway sleepers.

She created pictures contrasting the light and dark of the Victorian era, portraying croquet players and clowns alongside smoking chimneys of industrialisation.

The sleeper art, unveiled in the town's Valley Gardens, was commissioned by Saltburn Improvement Company.

Other works planned include stainless steel and stained glass sculptures; one of pearls set in the beach path; and another honouring Saltburn's founding father, Henry Pease, which will be placed in the Saltburn railway station precinct.

Ingrid Salomonsen, of Saltburn Improvement Company, said: "These works of art are all highly appropriate to Saltburn in their subject matter, their location and the materials."