SPEEDING motorists and drug users are making life a misery for residents in the centre of Darlington.

People living in the Albert Hill area of town say they have been forced to endure the problems for months. They are calling on the borough council and the police to act to end the nuisance.

Residents of Dundee Street, Montrose Street, Dumfries Street and Eastmount Road, say the area is used as racetrack by youths.

They claim cars speed around the area until the early hours, performing hand-brake turns and other dangerous manoeuvres.

The problems were brought to a head two weeks ago when a car crashed into several vehicles in Eastmount Road.

A man, who asked not to be named, said: "There are a lot of children around here and it won't be long before one of them is killed. The area is like a racetrack at night, but the police do not appear to be doing anything to stop it."

Residents say the area has also become a magnet for drug users, who go into the local park.

At a recent public meeting, Eastmount Road resident Mary Thompson said she had lost count of the times she had picked up used syringes and needles, to protect her grandchildren.

"People are going to stop their children from going to the park for fear they will prick themselves and catch God-knows-what disease," she said.

"We shouldn't have to put them in the bin ourselves and I want to know what the police and council are going to do about it."

Council officer Jane Robson said park wardens would soon be operating in the town and they would work alongside residents.

Sergeant Steve Jackson, of Darlington Police, said they were investigating incidents in the area, but he could not comment on them at this stage.

He is urging residents to contact police about anything giving them cause for concern