COLBURN Primary School, near Catterick Garrison, is the first in North Yorkshire to receive the green flag of the eco-schools award.

Pupils and staff were assessed as deserving the accolade because of a host of ecologically-sound ideas they had put into action, involving the whole school environment.

William Hague, Tory leader and Richmond MP, presents the flag to the school this morning.

The ceremony is followed by an afternoon eco-fair for the community, with displays by the Body Shop, Oxfam and Fair Trade, the Hawes creamery, White Rose candles, energy efficiency, Yorkshire Water, the British Conservation Trust volunteers and Richmond Garden and Farm Centre.

All will promote environmental awareness and sustainable development and proceeds go to a children's home in India.

Graham Else, headteacher, said: "The day is seen as a celebration of the school's achievement and as a means of raising awareness of the wider issues."

Sarah Beveridge, chairman of the school eco-committee, said: "We are delighted to receive the green flag. Children past and present, parents, teachers and governors have work-ed very hard to achieve the high standards set by the eco-schools programme. We can now genuinely regard ourselves as agents for positive change in the local community and beyond."

Among environmental projects at the school in the past 18 months were the creation of a wildlife garden, use of energy-efficient lighting and heating and a healthy eating campaign. The eco-schools green flag is organised by national environmental charity, Going for Green.