A SPARKLING summer afternoon of music is to take place in Hartlepool this weekend.

A wide variety of bands will be hitting the high notes in Ward Jackson Park, on Sunday, to celebrate the restoration of the bandstand and the latest stage of the park's regeneration.

Hartlepool Concert Band, Hartlepool Youth Choir, Body Talk and Strangers On A Stage, will be among the bands and groups appearing.

The event is being organised by the Friends of Ward Jackson Park, and supported by Hartlepool Borough Council.

More than £100,000 has been spent restoring the Victorian bandstand, which was built in 1902, and presented to the town by Sir William Gray.

Nick Davy, Hartlepool council's project development officer said: "The whole bandstand has been completely taken apart, and anything that was ageing has been restored." The bandstand restoration is part of a £2m programme to breathe new life into the park, largely funded through grant aid, including money from the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Government-backed Hartlepool Urban Greening Programme.

The park's Grade II listed lodge house, which was originally the park keeper's home, has been returned from disrepair to its Victorian splendour.

A bowls pavilion, fitted with an alarm system, has been built to replace the old one, which had to be taken down some years ago.

The restoration work at Ward Jackson Park is more than halfway through a four- year programme, which is due to be completed in spring next year.

Mr Davy said: "Not only does the park look better, already we are seeing an upturn in the number of people using it."

The concert in the park is free, and takes place from 2pm to 8pm.