YOUNG ACTORS are to take the stage in a hard-hitting drama that deals with domestic violence and teenage pregnancy.

Youth drama group Bishop Auckland Theatre Hooligans, known as Bath, are fast gaining a reputation for turning out talented performers. Their latest play, The Pitheaps, has been eagerly awaited.

The play is set on the former Tindale Crescent pit heap, before it was levelled to form a football field, and is where the play's author, drama leader Stephen Elliot, spent many hours as a teenager.

He said: "I wrote the play, but I got ideas from the kids. The themes are ones they wanted to include and talk about.

"Tindale Crescent pit heap was our playground when we grew up and I always wanted to write something about it because a lot happened there."

The group, based at King James First Community College, has already made an impact in the world of acting.

Two members were recently short-listed for film parts and 14-year-old Mark Ross has just finished filming alongside Billy Connolly in the film I Love You Jimmy Spud.

Stephen said: "The film makers gave Mark a couple of extra scenes because they were so pleased with his attitude.

"The casting agency said they will come back and use our children again because they were so impressed, which is incredible as they are a Los Angeles agency."

The play runs from Wednesday to next Saturday, at the community centre, and is not suitable for children under 13 years old.

For further information ring the college on (01388) 603543.