MORE than 900 villagers are being asked to say what they think about where they live.

The questionnaires have been delivered to homes in Tantobie, near Stanley, and its surrounding area, as part of a community appraisal funded by an £8,000 grant from the Northern Rock Foundation.

The idea is to draw up a plan to improve Tantobie, Tanfield Village, Clough Dene, White-le-Head, Flint Hill and Sleepy Valley.

The appraisal, led by marketing experts appointed by villagers, is due to be completed at the end of August. A report will be submitted to local residents for discussion, and the project is due to be completed by the end of October.

Villagers will then begin the process of implementing the action plan and making sure the appraisal results in genuine improvements for the area.

They also plan to have focus groups with youngsters and interviews with residents.

Resident Rosemary Black said the original idea came during discussions on improving Tantobie Community Centre.

She said: "We hope people will use this opportunity to say what they think of where they live. The questionnaire is a vital part of the appraisal process, and we are planning to visit homes by July 10 to collect the completed forms.

"The action plan will only be of value if it is based on accurate information which represents the views of the majority of people in and around Tantobie. So we are urging everyone to fill in the questionnaire."

Villagers are also planning a fun day on August 20.