A COMMUNITY centre is in line for major improvements as part of a regeneration scheme in Hartlepool.

The North Hartlepool Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) Partnership is proposing to put £150,000 into the modernisation of the West View Community Centre.

The intention is to create more space and improve existing facilities in the building, which is the focal point of the local community.

Improvements include refurbished toilets, upgrading the main hall and creating more meeting rooms.

The first phase of the scheme, which is still subject to final approval by the partnership's executive, is scheduled to start later this year.

It is hoped the SRB contribution will be supplemented with additional funding from the Department for Education and Employment and the New Opportunities Fund, which helps to distribute National Lottery money.

It is intended to use this money to upgrade and refurbish part of the community centre and the adjacent library to provide an information and computer technology learning centre.

If bids are successful, work on this element of the scheme is likely to start in the 2001/2002 financial year.

Derek Gouldburn, North Hartlepool SRB Partnership manager, said: "The community centre is already well used, but we want to build on that still further.

"These plans would provide improved facilities and enable more people to use them.

"The information and computer technology learning centre plan is a particularly ambitious scheme and one that would be of great benefit to local people in terms of training to improve their employment prospects."