THE Durham and Chester-le-Street branch of the Alzheimer's Society is holding a series of events to raise the profile of its work.

Next week is Alzheimer's Awareness Week, which is being held to raise awareness of the disease and help available for sufferers and their families.

A conference, Food for Thought, will be held on Tuesday, at County Hall, Durham, between 9am and 1pm which will discuss eating problems of dementia sufferers and also give tips on healthy eating.

A branch spokeswoman said: "For most of us food is an enjoyable part of life. For people with dementia and their carers, however, food and eating can cause problems.

"People with dementia can forget how to shop, how to cook and sometimes even how to eat.

"Without the right support, carers can find it stressful providing food for their relative with dementia.''

The week begins with a coffee morning today in Chester-le-Street Parish Centre between 10am and 3pm. On Monday there will be a service of remembrance and candlelit vigil in Durham Cathedral, at 12.30pm.

On Wednesday, there will be a flower arranging demonstration and sale of crafts in the Red Lion, Front Street, Chester-le-Street, between 6.30pm and 10pm.

The branch will open its office in South Approach, Bullion Lane, Chester-le-Street on Friday, between 10am and 3pm.