POLICE have warned they will crack down on careless motorists who are threatening to wreck an East Durham improvement scheme.

More than £600,000 has been spent upgrading the Seaside Lane area of Easington Colliery, which includes extensive footpath work on either side of the road.

The improvements have been carried out by Easington District Council, but only days after completion, drivers are persistently parking their cars on the new paving.

As a result, the new paths are already cracking, and police have warned motorists to start acting more responsibly or face the consequences.

The damage is also being caused by commercial vehicles whose drivers are leaving them half on the road and half on the path during deliveries.

Police are warning poor parkers to leave their cars in a specially designated area opposite the village's Dawn Till Dusk supermarket.

PC Malcolm Pugh said: "We hope this warning has the desired effect and deters people from parking on the new paving."