CHILDREN whose school was wrecked by vandals saw what it would be like to put the culprits on trial.

The ten and 11-year-olds from Catchgate Primary School went to Consett Magistrates' Court to stage a mock trial in a realistic setting.

The project, which the children have been working on for weeks, is part of the school's attempt to encourage children to become better citizens.

Teacher Pat Riddell chose criminal damage as one of two trials the pupils enacted because it was relevant to the children.

Catchgate Primary closed for a day this month after vandals broke the boiler, and governors are considering boarding up the windows during the summer holidays.

Consett magistrate John Clark said: "At first they thought we wear wigs and have the power to have people hanged and things like that. But we soon got down to the reality of it and I think they learned a lot."