A consultation exercise exploring the future of green issues in the Hambleton district is due to be completed soon.

Council officers are working with schools, businesses and voluntary organisations to explore more energy efficient transport systems, improved recycling facilities and "green" homes.

Hambleton hopes to adopt its LA 21 plan by the end of the year in a bid to improve the quality of life for residents.

Workshops are being run with schools to look at ways they can help and parish councils are being urged to produce photographic surveys of their villages.

Council offices are also adopting more green initiatives, including the use of organically-grown local produce in canteens and at civic functions, promoting car-sharing and the use of bikes.

Community planning and Agenda 21 officer, Rhona Pringle, said: "Our internal action plan is a set of realistic, but challenging actions which will move the council towards sustainable policies.

"Now we are looking to the public for help in formulating the external plan.

"Sustainability is not about achieving environmental goals whatever the cost, but about a coordinated, structured process."