A TRIO of unicyclists begin an attempt today to complete a marathon trek across the country in just two days.

They are taking to the road to raise money for a new youth club for a North-East community.

Roger Davies, of Norton, Stockton, and his friends, Sarah Miller and Paul Selwood, from Reading, will attempt the coast-to-coast journey to raise money for youngsters in Stanley, County Durham, whose youth club was recently burnt out.

They believe their unicycling attempt will be a first. Mr Davies, 36, who sells unicycles for a living, is also making the journey to raise awareness of the Rett syndrome, a neurological disorder, which his niece suffers from.

He said: "Unicycling is really hard on your body and this is a cruel route, with a lot of hills on the first day. We hope to raise a few hundred pounds for the youth club and the Rett Syndrome Association, but the main thing is to raise awareness of the condition."