A PACKAGE of measures to improve roads and rail in the region was announced by Transport Minister Lord Macdonald yesterday.

Lord "Gus" Macdonald made his first official visit to the North-East to launch a £31m bypass on Teesside, to unveil £1m rail improvements at Hartlepool and to promise £750,000 road rebuilding in east Cleveland.

The major project of the day was the South Stockton Link, which has £5m of Government money. Work begun more than six years ago, but was later aborted leaving an infamous "bridge to nowhere".

When work begins again, the road will carry traffic from the rapidly-expanding population of Ingleby Barwick across the Tees and round Thornaby, cutting congestion and boosting the economy of Stockton.

Stockton Mayor Pete Andrew said: "This infamous bridge symbolises the years of frustrating delay in this badly-needed road."

The road, from Ingleby Barwick to the bridge at Bowesfield, opens in February 2002 and the final link, to central Stockton, by December 2005.

Other projects Lord Macdonald praised or announced included the integrated approach to Tyne and Wear public transport, funding for the steep and often collapsing Loftus Bank, east Cleveland, the east Durham, Tyne and Wear and Tees Valley Metro and rail service improvements