SCORES of residents marched across a city yesterday to protest against council plans to bulldoze their homes.

More than 200 people marched from Elswick Park to Newcastle Civic Centre to demonstrate against Newcastle City Council plans to knock-down parts of Benwell, Scotswood and Elswick.

The council wants to demolish thousands of homes as part of its Going for Growth programme. Residents would be rehoused in new accommodation by the riverside.

But many householders do not want to move and say the plan will break up communities.

One of the protestors, who would not be named, said she had lived in one of the Scotswood streets for 37 years. She said: "If they send the bulldozers in, they'll have to come through us first."

She described the council's actions as "disgrace".

A spokesman for the council said other measures to alleviate deprivation and social problems in the areas had failed.

The Going for Growth plans aimed to halt population decline and provide high quality housing. A diverse range of housing would be provided in a multi-million pound investment.