SUNDERLAND'S longest-serving player, full-back Michael Gray, has a burning ambition to join the all-time top ten with the most League appearances for the club.

The 25-year-old England international, who is due a testimonial in two years' time, has chalked up 263 League games since becoming a professional in 1992 after joining the club straight from school two years earlier.

The Castletown-born defender has been checking on the number of League appearances made by former team-mates in the new book, All The Lads, which will be given away free to season-ticket holders before the start of the new campaign.

He said: "I've been looking at the appearance records of the last four players to have testimonials, Kevin Ball, Richard Ord, Gordon Armstrong and Gary Bennett. They all seem to have played around 300 games and I am not far off that myself.

"Kevin Ball is 11th in the all-time list of players with the most League appearances for the club and hopefully I can keep adding to my total and get up there as well.

"My next goal is to reach 300 League appearances and try to go on from there."

Ball, transferred to Fulham last season, made 342 League appearances and played a total of 388 League and Cup games for the club.

Gray, the subject of transfer speculation towards the end of last season, could not be happier where he is and is looking forward to playing in front of crowd of 48,000 at the extended Stadium of Light.

He said: "It's unbelievable to see what has happened to the club since I first came - we've got a new stadium, we are in the Premiership and next season we will be playing in front of crowds of 48,000.

"It's fantastic and it is even more special to me as a lad who was born in the town."

l The ten players with the most League appearances for Sunderland are: Jimmy Montgomery 537, Ted Doig 421, Len Ashurst 409, Stan Anderson 402, Charlie Buchan 380, Bobby Kerr 374, Gary Bennett 374, Charlie Hurley 358, Gordon Armstrong 354 and Johnny Mapson 349 (incl. 3 1939-40 before League suspended due to the outbreak of war).