A NORTH Durham school's campaign to gain technology status gathered pace when a leading North-East businessman spoke in favour of the bid.

Director and general manager of Thomas Swan Ltd, Dai Hayward, explained why a partnership with Moorside Comprehensive school was an attractive proposition to local businesses like his, at a meeting at the Royal Derwent Hotel.

A number of other local business leaders also attended to discuss how links could be improved, and to support the school. It was agreed that a Moorside-Business Steering group would meet regularly to discuss the issue.

The 410 pupil-school needs to raise £50,000 by October to make its bid for technology status. So far, staff and children have raised £35,000. If it is successful the school will receive £150,000 of Government money.

Anyone interested in participating in the steering group should contact the school on (01207) 507001.