RESIDENTS in two areas hit by flooding last month will get their chance to talk with representatives of the Environment Agency today and tomorrow.

South Church and West Auckland, near Bishop Auckland, County Durham, were devastated by the floods four weeks ago.

The entire village of South Church, including two nursing homes, were evacuated in dramatic scenes which were printed and broadcast around the country.

An open forum will be held tonight at the Territorial Army Centre, St Andrew's Road, Bishop Auckland, from 6pm to 8.30pm, for the people of the village.

Residents of West Auckland will get their say tomorrow night, from 6pm to 8.30pm, at St Helen Auckland Primary School, Manor Road, West Auckland.

The meetings will include a presentation by agency officers on the causes of the floods, their response, plus warning and defence options for the future.

Peter Kerr, the agency's flood defence manager for the North-umbria area, said officers were keen to explain what exactly had happened, to answer questions and gather information.

"Hundreds of people were either directly or indirectly affected by the devastation the floods caused," he said.

"Effective flood warning and flood defence systems are designed on the basis of accurate information. We want to hear what residents have to say about their recent experiences."