A NORTH Yorkshire school was the first in the county to be presented with an environmental award when it was visited by a special guest.

Tory leader William Hague, who lives less than a mile from Colburn County Primary, dropped in to present the school with Going For Green's Eco Schools Project Green Flag Award.

Two years of effort by pupils, staff, parents and governors at the school in Colburn, near Catterick, was recognised by the award.

Richmondshire MP Mr Hague told a packed assembly on Friday: "Well done to the school and congratulations on winning it. It's not an easy thing to get.

"You have done a lot of work over more than two years to get that. Within hundreds of miles, this is the only school that has got a Green Flag so far. You did not have to do this, but you decided to do this, because you wanted to look after your environment."

Teacher Sarah Beveridge, who coordinated the efforts, said Richmondshire District and North Yorkshire County Councils had also played their part.

Projects which have been carried out as part of the scheme included developing a wildlife garden, recycling and installing solar panels at the school.

Future plans include an organic garden, and push flow taps which preserve water supply.

Mrs Beveridge said yesterday: "We are very pleased and we are very proud of the children."

Deborah Bell, regional director for Going For Green, said: "They have everything from a healthy eating breakfast club to a compost system and litter rotas in the classrooms."