FROM Redcoat to academic to the rainforest - that's the unusual career path one man has taken with help from one of the region's universities.

Michael MacNaughton, from Stockton, spent 14 years in the catering industry before achieving his goal of returning to education.

He worked as a catering manager at Butlins, then set up his own catering business. But his real interest lay in the environment and, with his two children, James, eight, and five-year-old Rhiannon at school, he started a foundation course at the University of Durham Stockton campus and completed a degree in environmental management.

A year into the course, Mr MacNaughton's ambitions have grown and next month he is off to the rainforests of Brazil to take part in a conservation project.

Volunteers receive free board and lodgings, but have to cover their own transport and equipment costs.

The university has helped Mr Macnaughton with his travelling funds and he now needs to cover the cost of equipment.

He said: "Starting university has broadened my horizons and I have become much more confident. If you had told me two years ago that I would be studying for a BSc and travelling to Brazil to carry out research in the rainforest I would never have believed you."

If anyone can help Michael, he can be contacted on (01642) 804024.