PLANS to turn the empty Victoria hospital in Richmond into a funeral parlour have been approved in spite of reservations about road safety.

Richmondshire District Council's planning committee backed proposals by Blenkiron Funeral Services to convert the gothic-style early 19th Century listed building in Queen's Road into offices, a workshop and garages.

The company has offices in Victoria Road and a workshop on the Gallowfields industrial estate.

Planners told the committee that the proposals would improve the building by ensuring it did not fall into disrepair and become an eyesore.

The Highways Authority had recommended refusal, because of concerns about inadequate visibility at the access, and insufficient on-site parking.

However, Peter Featherstone, district council development control team leader, said the building's previous use as a hospital generated more traffic than would a funeral parlour.

Richmond Town Council supported the proposals, as did nearby residents