A WASTEGROUND littered with used needles and rubbish could be incorporated into a youth club.

People living in Upper Jackson Street and Upper Albion Street in Middlesbrough are angry that the nearby land has become a rubbish tip - raising concerns over heath and safety.

They claim used needles and discarded furniture are regularly left on the derelict ground, which is owned by the British Legion.

Resident Shelia Storey said: "The place is an eyesore. Every other day the bin men are here cleaning up but the place just keeps getting full of rubbish.

"Kids are putting themselves in danger by climbing on the junk that has been left there."

But the manager of South Bank Regeneration, Martin Jefferson, said measures were already under way to solve the problem.

He said: "We hope that negotiations to buy the land will come to fruition.

"Then we intend to incorporate the area into a proposed development of the Upper Jackson Street Youth Club."