PUPILS at Wolsingham Comprehensive School are pioneering a disability awareness programme.

The 23-member group of 14-year-olds from the Weardale comprehensive undertook a study of disability issues as part of a GNVQ course in health and social care.

The study included a talk and video on disability issues and a simulation of what it is like to be disabled.

The youngsters spent time in a wheelchair and used equipment to help them understand the experience of visual and hearing impairments.

They also audited their school's suitability for people with disabilities, in terms of access.

Help was given to the project by the Wear Valley Disability Access Forum, and it was made possible by a £500 community dividend grant from the North-Eastern Co-op.

Teacher Sue Goodey said: "The programme has helped the pupils gain a real understanding of some of the issues which surround disability.

"A number of them hope to eventually work in the caring or nursing professions, and what they have learned will be invaluable."