THE Government will risk losing the next General Election if it ignores older voters in the region, new research claims.

A survey carried out by University of Sheffield professor Paul Whitely for Age Concern has highlighted the dramatic impact that pensioners' votes could have on the next General Election.

Analysis showed that in some areas almost one-in-four people who cast a vote are pensioners.

In Tony Blair's Sedgefield constituency, 18.5 per cent of the total population are pensioners, but more than a quarter - 25.4 per cent - of people who actually vote in the seat are pensioners.

Gordon Lishman, Age Concern's new director general, said: "Older voters hold the key to Number 10. The parties must have the interests of older people at the heart of their policies.

"If they fail to listen to what older people themselves want, before the manifestos are written and in their campaigns, they will fail in the polls.