ENERGY efficient schools have been awarded nearly £32,000 to help them go green.

Twenty-one schools on Teesside have joined the national School Energy scheme run by British Gas.

The scheme helps pay for improvements to insulation and heating systems, making schools more energy efficient.

Almost £32,000 has been awarded to the Teesside schools, enabling them to make annual savings of about £8,000 on energy bills.

Other educational establishments are now being encouraged to join the scheme, which also brings educational benefits focused on being green.

Spokeswoman Bridget Batty said: "The School Energy programme is designed to help schools save energy and money which can be used for other school activities, as well as helping to cut carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere.

"It is vitally important that young people should develop good energy practices early in their lives. The good example set by their schools will be a lesson that will stay with them throughout their lives.