BUSINESSES in the North-East can now share their expertise with smaller businesses thanks to a new mentoring service from Teesside University.

The E-mentoring service has been devised at the University's School of Business and Management, and is provided free to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). It is funded by the European Social Fund.

James Page, who is heading the scheme, said: "The aim of the project is to enable SMEs to grow by linking them with specialists in other SMEs or larger companies.

"Mentoring relationships are established via e-mail between individuals in SMEs and experts in other companies who provide advice on a range of important areas such as marketing, finance and best practice.

"There are many benefits from this project for both large companies and SMEs. Larger companies can use it as part of their staff development training and increase their number of business partners.

"SMEs can gain practical advice from people who understand their problems. E-mail increases efficiency and saves both time and money."

For more details, contact James on (01642) 342904 or e-mail ementoringorget about their four-legged frien