ABOUT 420 pensioners enjoyed a great afternoon at Durham City Council's senior citizens' rally, at Deerness Sports Centre, Ushaw Moor.

They were treated to afternoon tea and entertainment by Famwellgate School Brass Band, a vocalist and a comedienne. There were raffles and a bingo session.

Ann Laws, of Framwellgate Moor, who won the raffle first prize of a microwave oven, said: "It was a fabulous afternoon, first class entertainment, superb refreshments and excellent prizes.''

The event was opened by the city's Mayor, Councillor George Wharton.

A council spokeswoman said: "From the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977 to this Millennium year, Durham City Council's senior citizens have been treated to a summer afternoon of refreshments and entertainment. According to some, this was the best yet."

Pensioners who missed out this year are being offered the chance to take part in next year's rally.

Any pensioners' organisations that would like an invitation to the event should call Barbara Alderson on 0191 301-8848 for more details.

They can also write to her at Durham City Council's Chief Executive's Office, 4 Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3NZ.