AN exhibition of work by studio artists has marked the opening of the Saltburn Artists Studio.

The studio, in Marske Road, has been launched by Saltburn Improvement Company Ltd along with Saltburn Artists Projects supported by the regional development agency One NorthEast. It was opened by David Willshaw, Principal of Cleveland College of Art and Design.

The scheme aims to link the development of visual arts with the regeneration of the town.

The studio was previously used as a bakery and kitchen design workshop. It was funded by £210,000 from One NorthEast and £130,000 from the Arts Lottery and the European Regional Development Fund. It will offer business start-up opportunities to budding artists.

The project will also include a studio, workshops and exhibition gallery facilities for art and craft people, providing 12 units for self-employed artists to develop their businesses.

One of the studio's main aims will be to contribute towards getting more visitors into Saltburn through the development of visual arts.

Peter Hewitt, improvement company chairman, said: "The project is the culmination of many years of hard work. It embodies the theme of creative energy which is central to the Saltburn Rural Challenge Programme."