A VICAR, who has made a name for himself across the country in the art of basket weaving, is taking over a new parish.

The Reverend Philip Greenhalgh, 47, is moving from Millom in Cumbria to become priest in charge of the three churches in Upper Weardale in County Durham - at Cowshill, St John's Chapel and Westgate.

Mr Greenhalgh, a father of six, will be licensed by the Bishop of Jarrow, the Right Reverend Alan Smithson, at a service in St John's Chapel on Sunday, August 13.

It was as a countryside ranger in 1971 that Mr Greenhalgh first became interested in basket weaving.

Since then he has given demonstrations of the craft at the various parishes he has served throughout Britain.

He will continue with his hobby and is soon to give a show at Beamish Museum.

Mr Greenhalgh is no stranger to Weardale.

He was worker-priest for two years at nearby Nenthead, where he combined caring for the tiny congregation with forestry work and basket weaving.

He said: "The family is looking forward to living in Weardale. It is very much the lifestyle we are used to."

Mr Greenhalgh succeeds the Reverend Dennis Skelton, who retired as vicar more than a year ago