BRAVE leukaemia sufferer Joelene Kimbley has revealed when she plans to marry the man who has helped her through the most traumatic time of her life.

Darren Armstrong proposed to Joelene, 22, on New Year's Eve, only months before she had a life-saving bone marrow transplant.

Joelene refused to make too many plans before her operation - but she is now looking forward to the future.

Speaking from her home in Blackhall Colliery, County Durham, Joelene told The Northern Echo: "We are saving money at the moment but are hoping to get married in August or September next year.

"It's great to be able to make plans for the first time after everything that has happened."

Doctors have been so impressed with Joelene's progress she may be able to have her next check-up at South Cleveland Hospital, Middlesbrough, rather than the specialist centre in Bristol where she had her operation.

She said: "My next check-up is in November but my blood levels are doing really well.

"I am starting to feel confident about the future at last."

During her stay in hospital Joelene received hundreds of cards from well-wishers, including one from her bone marrow donor, who must remain anonymous for 18 months.