AN investigation into alleged physical abuse at a nursing home has found the cruelty allegations to be unfounded.

However, the investigating team did uncover evidence of verbal abuse to one resident at Priory Nursing Home, Hartlepool.

The report by Tees Health Authority into allegations by a registered mental health nurse working at the home found the standard of care of residents was generally "satisfactory".

It said residents were not at any risk of harm or injury, but some staff training needs had to be addressed.

A range of allegations were made against the nurse's colleagues, a fellow mental nurse and a care assistant.

Police had previously conducted their own inquiries at the home in April and concluded none of the complaints could be substantiated.

However, it was decided the allegations and training issues should be looked at by the health authority, which reported yesterday.

Priory had 36 residents at the time of the investigation and is registered with Tees Health to take up to 41 elderly mentally ill residents