RENOWNED broadcaster and journalist Peter Taylor will be returning to his home ground to meet some of his old school friends next month.

He will be the guest speaker at the millennium dinner of the Old Scarborians Association at the resort's Royal Hotel, on September 30.

The association, whose members are former pupils and staff of the old Scarborough High School For Boys, was founded in the 1930s.

It now has more than 500 members spread across the world.

The centenary of the high school, which closed in 1973, will be in 2002 when a weekend of events is being arranged.

As part of the lead-up, the association has arranged next month's dinner.

It will also be open to ex-pupils and staff of the girls' high school and the Convent of the Ladies of Mary.

Mr Taylor was head boy at the high school in 1960-61 and later became an award-winning journalist with both ITV and BBC.

He has made more than 60 documentaries, including the Irish trilogy Brits, Provos and Loyalists.

Tickets for the dinner, at £20, are available from association secretary Peter Robson, of Forge Villa, Ebberston, Scarborough.

For more details about the dinner, ring Mr Robson on (01723) 859335