PEOPLE were given a taste of Thailand when Asian exchange visitors brought a touch of spice to Bishop Auckland.

The visitors created authentic Thai cuisine for people at the Aucklandgate Centre for adults with learning disabilities yesterday. They have spent four weeks at the County Durham Care centre on a work placement, and have been working on a Thai collage with the clients.

The three workers are on an exchange visit arranged by the Voluntary Services Overseas organisation, which gives young people an opportunity to experience different cultures.

Supattra Kintorn, Pitak Tanleng and Tanapon Pimsuvan have also spent time at one of County Durham Care's day care centres for older people, where they said they were amazed by the contrast in care between Thailand and England.

Supattra Kintorn said: "I'm enjoying it here and have learned a lot. People are accepted for what they are here, but I have found the language a bit difficult.