A NORTHUMBERLAND livestock farmer, Mr David Smith, has been appointed chairman of the council of the National Sheep Association.

Mr Smith chairs the NSA Northern region and has chaired the organising committee of recent North Sheep events.

He has been involved with the sheep industry for 30 years but said he could not remember a time when there had been more problems, political, financial, environmental, in welfare and in conservation.

"Even so," said Mr Smith, "I feel we, as sheep farmers, must never lose sight of the fact that we are extremely effective custodians of the rural environment while at the same time producing a delicious, natural and nutritious product.

"It is a strength we have to continue to get across to our detractors."

It was equally important to maintain the stratification of the industry. "It has stood the test of time and is the key to maintaining a sustainable, rural structure," he said.

"I implore our political leaders, at a time when our industry looks to be getting up off its knees, to maintain present supports. Time and money are needed to readjust, rethink and realign our businesses within the limitations of the areas in which we farm."

Mr Smith accepts that change has to occur but said progress would be made with prosperity which would allow new technologies to be embraced.

"At the same time we have to examine and, where possible, improve marketing systems to ensure a greater proportion of the consumer's spend gets back to producers," he said. "Our sheep businesses have to be brought back into profit quickly or we will lose our most valuable asset - our youth.