AFTER facing the wrath of protesting Christians and a close shave in the High Court, the country's biggest adult show rolled into the region yesterday.

Lap dancers, leather, rubber and latex wear, as well as hard core pornography, are just some of the features of Xsensual 2000 staged at the Telewest Arena in Newcastle, today and tomorrow.

But organisers are keen to promote other aspects as well, pointing out that fashionwear, tattooing, body piercing, and accessories make it more than just a show of erotica.

Organiser Jack Frere said: "This show is designed to appeal to all adults. It is a show for couples, whatever their persuasion, where they can come and enjoy themselves without being embarrassed."

Late yesterday afternoon only a handful of young men and a few couples filed through the displays, but crowds are expected to grow today .

Richard Anderson, 29, who was watching a bevy of buxom beauty's offering (at a price) to have themselves photographed with visitors, said: "I can't see what all the fuss is about. It's all good clean fun.

"There's nothing nasty about it."

Model Saskia Jackson, 19, said: "The protestors should do something for the needy instead of trying to stop people enjoying themselves.

"There is nothing in the Bible that says people can't have a good time."

Christian Institute director Colin Hart would beg to differ. He said: "We are opposed to this because women are not sex objects. They are made in the image of God and this demeans women."

Whatever one's views, the show will go on and organisers are hoping to return again next year