PARENTS are being encouraged to become their children's favourite teacher with the help of specialist courses.

More than 700 Stockton parents have already signed up for family learning courses, which are designed to help them support their children's learning.

Although the main aim is to develop literacy and numeracy skills of parents and children, many have signed up to learn about computers.

The rise in the number of family learning courses, from 82 to 100, this year is due to funding from the European Social Fund and an increase in the Standards Fund for Family Learning and Family Numeracy.

Stockton Borough Council has also benefited from an injection of National Lottery cash, which has helped to fund out-of-school activities for families at the Richard Hind Centre in the town.

Stockton's family learning coordinator, Julie McGee, said: "The Government recently acknowledged the importance of family learning in raising standards in schools.

"We know that a child who comes from a home where parents support learning through play, books and, increasingly, computers, will have a very good chance at being successful at school. Today, it's often the kids who can teach parents a thing or two about computers so Computers Together is designed to introduce parents to information technology and show them how to work with their children when using computers."

The courses, including lessons in art and communication, are held at schools and community centres. For details call (01642) 397365.