FATHER CHRISTMAS has come early to a village. And he will be staying all-year-round in a novel bid to boost business by postmistress Maxine Raine.

The festive marathon is Maxine's way of hitting back at sceptics who say that business is dying in Weardale, County Durham, where she has run the post office at St John's Chapel for 15 years.

"A lot of rubbish is being talked about this being a dying dale. It's just not true, and I aim to prove the sceptics wrong, " said Maxine.

Her latest business venture has been to turn a back room in the post office into an Aladdin's cave of Christmas gifts, decorations and everything to do with the festive season.

"But unlike other Christmas grottos, this one will be staying open all the year round," said Maxine.

"People like to be able to spend their cash over the whole year, so I thought it would be a good idea to help them spread the cost of Christmas."

While post offices in other rural areas have closed down, Maxine has embarked on a range of business ventures to keep alive the St John's Chapel post office, which is the last post office in Upper Weardale. Among other schemes, she has gone into the antiques trade and tried to broaden the base of her business.

"If you want to survive, it's a question of coming up with new ideas. I hope that Santa may be one of the answers," she said.