FORMER Scottish international footballer Frank McAvennie admitted to possessing cocaine after being arrested in connection with a £110,000 drug bust, a court heard yesterday.

The unemployed former West Ham and Celtic striker produced a wrap of the drug during a police interview, Newcastle Crown Court was told.

The court heard that McAvennie, 40, was asked if he was carrying anything he should not, and he replied: "Just a bit of personal," pointing to the cocaine kept in a cigarette box.

McAvennie, of Station Road, Low Fell, Gateshead, has pleaded not guilty to conspiring to supply amphetamines and Ecstasy.

He is standing trial with Arthur Burke, 46, from West Denton, Newcastle, who has pleaded not guilty to the same charges.

Detective Constable David Hammond, of the National Crime Squad, told the court he was involved in an undercover surveillance operation following McAvennie and his friend Michael Edward in March.

The officer said McAvennie and Mr Edward were arrested in the centre of Newcastle and taken for questioning after several hours of surveillance.

Det Con Hammond told the court McAvennie admitted to officers he had a small amount of cocaine for personal use.

The prosecution alleged that McAvennie conspired with Mr Edward to supply amphetamines and Ecstasy.

The court has heard that the pair and an acquaintance were observed by police driving to a house in West Denton, alleged to be Burke's and Mr Edward was seen to pick up a package alleged to be the drugs.

The prosecution claim that McAvennie and Mr Edward then took their acquaintance to Newcastle Central Station where he boarded a train for Glasgow.

The acquaintance was arrested and five kilograms of amphetamine paste and 5,000 Ecstasy tablets were recovered said to be worth £110,000, the court heard.

The case continues