A MAN trying to trace his natural father believes someone in the region may have information which could help him.

Alan Jackson, from Sunderland, says he knows little or nothing about his father, except that he was in the Russian Air Force during the Second World War.

His mother, Emily "Cubby" Smith, became pregnant while stationed at Middleton St George, near Darlington, when she was in the WRAF.

She died ten years ago without telling her son much about his real father.

Mr Jackson has since discovered from War Office records that his mother was in digs in Darlington when she was demobbed in April 1946. He was born in August of that year, so his mum must have been pregnant while in Darlington.

The house she was staying at belonged to a Mrs Oxley at 2 Yarm Road, which is now an Indian takeaway.

Mr Jackson is hoping someone might remember Mrs Oxley, or his mum.

He said: "I'm trying to trace Mrs Oxley because my mother is bound to have confided in somebody and maybe she confided in this lady. I'm hoping this jogs somebody's memory."

Anyone with any information can contact Mr Jackson on 0191-522 0232.