A GROUP of German students toured The Northern Echo's head office in Darlington, during an exchange visit.

The 11 students were from the Otto-Pankok Schule, in Mulheim, Darlington's twin town.

Longfield Comprehensive School has operated an exchange scheme with its German counterparts since 1976.

The students, aged 14 and 15, are in the middle of a ten-day visit.

They are staying with families of Longfield pupils and there will be a return trip to Mulheim next year.

Sue Crossland, a senior teacher at Longfield school, decided to organise a trip to The Northern Echo, and a mixed party of 22 English and German students were shown around the building.

She said: "We want to show them what Darlington is about so they can go back and make comparisons with Mulheim.

They are both industrial towns, and similar in that way, although Mulheim is a little bit bigger, and they have their own local newspaper, which they can compare with The Northern Echo."

The students have already met the Mayor of Darlington, Councillor Dorothy Long, visited the town's Civic Theatre, and been on a day trip to York.

They will be in Darlington until Monday.