A RANDOM selection of head- teachers and teachers from across the region will be taking part in a discussion later this week.

The national week of events, called Learning from Success, was organised by the Department of Education and Employment.

Over the course of the week, about ten per cent of all schools in the country will be involved.

The rolling programme began in London and will continue around the country before coming to Newcastle tomorrow when Schools Minister Jacqui Smith will speak.

The aim of Learning from Success is to demonstrate how the Government's various education policies fit together, distill the very best practice from around the country, and to hear the direct experience of schools on what is working and what could be improved.

There will also be an important international dimension, with contributions from Australia and the US comparing reform in this country to trends elsewhere.

The event will be interactive, using touch-pad technology so that participants can record their views on key topics, as well as contributing to the discussion.

School standards minister Estelle Morris said: "We want to take the opportunity, face-to-face, to thank heads for their hard work and skill over recent years.

"As a result of their efforts we have seen excellent progress."