A HIGH-FLYING student is following in her sister's footsteps by gaining a place at Oxford University.

Katherine Ryder, 18, a student at Carmel Technology College, Darlington, is about to start a masters degree in physics at Somerville College.

Her sister Jennifer, 20, gained a place at Worcester College, Oxford, in 1997, after gained four A grades at A-level in mathematics, further mathematics, physics and chemistry. Katherine achieved the same grades in the same subjects.

Jennifer made an impressive start at Oxford and was made a scholar after her first year of study in recognition of her academic achievements. She is now in her fourth year of a masters course in physics.

The girls' parents both work at Carmel Technology College. Their father, Frank, is a site supervisor, and mother Michelle is a laboratory technician.

Headteacher at Carmel Technology College, James O'Neill said: "I am proud of the achievements of Jennifer and Katherine. They epitomise the many academic successes of the college.