A FORMER taxi driver accused of indecently assaulting a boy he used to drive to school told a court yesterday he was shocked when he heard of the allegations.

Charles Coverdale, known as Eric, said there was no truth in the allegations, and he could think of no reason why the boy should make up the allegations against him.

Mr Coverdale, a father-of-three, told the jury at Teesside Crown Court that he had suffered two strokes in the last four years, and had not worked as a taxi driver in Hartlepool since the first stroke. The second stroke had left him with epilepsy.

Mr Coverdale, 47, of Hindpool Close, Hartlepool, is charged with three offences of indecent assault in the early 1990s.

He has denied the charges.

The prosecution alleges Mr Coverdale indecently assaulted the boy during trips to and from school in his taxi.

Mr Coverdale said the boy would be the last to be dropped off because he lived furthest away, but he would also take the boy to a shop to buy soft drinks and sweets.

Mr Coverdale denied ever smacking or spanking the boy, and said there was no truth in the allegation that he had indecently assaulted him.

The jury will continue its deliberations today after failing to reach a verdict yesterday.

The case continues.