HUNDREDS of soldiers could be heading back to their native North-East and North Yorkshire under new proposals revealed by military chiefs yesterday.

Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon's plans for the Army to move its infantry regiments back to their traditional recruitment areas have been welcomed by the Green Howards.

The regiment, which originated in Richmond, North Yorkshire, is currently based about 300 miles away in Warminster, in Wiltshire.

But military top brass believe moving back to the North would help solve the Army's problems both recruiting and retaining soldiers.

Mr Hoon hopes the move would stop soldiers leaving the Army because they were being forced to leave their family and friends.

The number of serving regular soldiers has slumped to its lowest point for decades, and the Ministry of Defence partly blames this on the lack of stability for married soldiers, who are regularly on tours across the world.

Green Howards' regimental development officer, Major Roger Chapman, said the move would be a huge boost for North Yorkshire.

"The idea would certainly be well received here because we have been very worried, like most infantry battalions, about recruiting figures," he said.

"When the Green Howards were in Catterick in 1989, the recruiting figures were very good and, historically, it has always been a good thing for a regiment to be in its home recruiting area."

Regimental secretary, Colonel Neil McIntosh said: "It makes excellent sense because soldiers, and infantry men in particular, spend so much time away on training exercises or operations.

"It would be good if their wives and families were in the area and were easily accessible for them, instead of them being hundreds of miles away."

Col McIntosh said the move would enhance Richmond's civic pride in its own regiment.

"It would mean the regimental cap badge could be seen in our recruiting area, and our recruiting needs all the help it can possibly get," he said.

The return to regional roots would be made by regiments from across the country, meaning the Highlanders, currently based at Catterick Garrison, would move back to Inverness.

The Green Howards left Catterick about six years ago, but the regiment still has a presence in Richmond with a museum in the town's market square.