A CONSERVATION body is urging people to join the fight to save a Durham landmark from demolition.

The City of Durham Trust has launched a petition against plans to knock down Brown's Boathouse on the banks of River Wear, next to Elvet Bridge.

Leftbank Developments plans to build what could be the city's biggest pub - holding up to 1,000 people - on the site.

The proposals drew strong objections from the trust and English Heritage which are worried about the impact on the historic setting.

There is particular concern about the "blaze of light" the glass-fronted pub will create and its interference with the floodlighting of the cathedral and castle .

The boathouse dates back 200 years and was the home of the boat-building Ebdy family in the early 19th Century.

The scheme was recommended for planning approval earlier this year by Durham City Council's planning officers. But before councillors could make a decision on the scheme, Environment Secretary John Prescott stepped in and ordered that a public inquiry be held.

Trust chairman Roger Cornwell said: "We hope to be able to show the inquiry that there is a lot of affection in the city for Brown's Boathouse.

"If people sign the petition, that will add weight to our argument.

"The place has become rather dilapidated and it can't be left to rot.

"But that doesn't mean there should be complete demolition and replacement with a large glass and metal pub.''

Trust members will be seeking signatures, and petition forms will be available in some shops.