A NEWSAGENT has been fined £1,400, plus costs of £800, after being found guilty of breaching health and safety and food regulations.

Gavin Conway, the owner of Conway's Newsagents in Church Lane, Ormesby, pleaded guilty to four offences, at Teesside Magistrates' Court on Wednesday.

The court heard that council inspectors had found the shop's large plate glass window was in a dangerous condition due to a crack, the ceiling had collapsed with damp, allowing water to come into contact with wiring; and no water was supplied to the toilet washbasin.

Conway was fined £500 for failing to ensure that people not in his employment were not exposed to health and safety risks.

He was also fined £300 for failing to comply with the requirement of an improvement notice about the toilet facilities, and £500 for failing to comply with a prohibition notice regarding the window and electrics.

No penalty was imposed on him for failing to maintain the premises in a condition that was safe and without risk to health.

The remaining £100 of Conway's total fine was imposed for giving false details to a council inspector.

He did not appear in court, but his solicitor said in mitigation that he had planned to carry out the repairs, but kept delaying them because of insufficient funds. He said that Conway did not realise the severity of the offences and insisted they had not been deliberate.

Catherine Hall, the council's assistant director of public protection, said: "The public has a right to expect that premises are maintained in a safe condition. We will continue our vigilant efforts and are grateful for the seriousness with which the court has dealt with this matter."