A TEESSIDE haulier is gearing up to create a Government-backed testing station, which is tipped to put the area on the map.

The family firm of Les Woolston Express Haulage, in Middlesbrough, hopes the project, being supported by a £9,000 grant from South Bank and Grangetown's Government fund, will bring extra trade to the area.

As the nearest testing stations are at Darlington and Carlisle, Mr Woolston said it should make life much easier for HGV drivers.

He said: "It's going to be a real benefit to local companies. At the moment, HGV operators have to incur significant costs just to get the vehicle in for tests.

"On the environmental side, it is also going to save a lot of pollution."

The centre will form part of the company's current site at Puddlers Road, in South Bank, to where it moved from Marske in 1997.

The company has had its fair share of ups and downs since it was established in 1972, and Mr Woolston said the station will help ensure a prosperous future.

"Last year, we were broken into and we lost £30,000 worth of gear," he said.

"This will obviously provide a boost."

Having already secured a £10,000 improvement grant from the Government to improve its site, the firm is enjoying enhanced performance.

Now Mr Woolston, who plans to take on at least three extra staff, believes the only way is up.

"I can't see this failing," he said.

Graham Brownlee, chairman of the Government's Single Regeneration Budget, said: "We are pleased to help this company to create jobs and develop its business.