A ROW has erupted over use of Guisborough's community centre. A town councillor says Sunnyfield House could be a tourist gateway to the entire area.

"But it is as if we are almost ashamed of it," said Coun Dave Punshon at last Thursday's meeting.

Angry words were exchanged over a move to bring the tourist information centre from the Priory into Sunnyfield House. A committee had recommended using a ground-floor room for the TIC and to start talks on the feasibility of the scheme.

But Coun Mary Kirkpatrick, a member of the Sunnyfield House committee, wanted the issue referring back for further consideration. She said the centre was running out of space. "And what about all the groups who want to use the room concerned," she said.

"Hundreds of people come into Sunnyfield House to the events which are held there. Many people will suffer if we go down this road. I am totally against it."

Committee chairman, Coun Punshon, objected to the matter being referred back. "Sunnyfield House is one of our greatest assets and anything we can site there which attracts people in off the streets is to the benefit of the town," he said. "At the moment, the TIC is hidden away at the Priory.

"This could be the gateway to the whole area for tourists and we are almost ashamed of it. Sunnyfield House is the jewel in our crown and we are hiding it away. "We must try to encourage more casual use of the building, not just use by organised groups."

Coun Anne Franklin said: "This move was well considered. Many people who use Sunnyfield House don't pay for it. There will be some impact if we have the TIC there, such as the pensioners' Christmas party, but that takes up just two days a year. Even the craft fairs are not all that frequent set against the year-round involvement of the TIC. We have to make it pay."

Coun Keith Pudney said: "The TIC is not as well-used as it once was and this would be a good move. We should welcome it. We are missing a chance if we don't."

It was agreed that talks should proceed.