SCHOOLCHILDREN put their hands in their pockets to raise cash for a friend who suffers from cerebral palsy.

Pupils at Framwellgate Moor Comprehensive School, Durham City, held a collection and raised £336 for eight-year-old Alisdair Wadge.

The cash will go towards buying Alisdair, of Framwellgate Moor, specialist equipment to boost his quality of life.

Margaret Ballard, head of the school's Falcon House, said: "The children were very interested in helping and it struck a chord with them because Alisdair is from our community.

"Because Alisdair lives in the community, our kids wanted to make a difference to his life. It was the children who put their hands in their pockets."

The youngster's grandmother, Rosalind Finley, was delighted with the donation.

She said: "The children were asked to give 10p each, but some gave £2 or £3 and I was absolutely thrilled.

"The money will help buy equipment which is unavailable on the National Health Service."

Almost £2,000 has been raised in total through the appeal and Mrs Finley hopes a further £1,000 will come from a Halloween party at The Salutation Inn, Framwellgate Moor, on October 31, at 7pm.

Anyone wanting to buy a ticket can call Mrs Finley on 0191-384 1643 or call at The Salutation Inn.