PARISH councillors have moved to put an end to alleged scaremongering over the use of herbicide in a reservoir.

Concern has been raised during the past two months regarding the supposed poisonous affect of the weedkiller used in the water park at Middleton St George, near Darlington.

Two men were ejected from last month's meeting of Middleton St George Parish Council after a group tried to hijack the discussions regarding reservoir number two.

An aquatic expert treated Canadian pond weed at the reservoir at the end of March, with a herbicide approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in a way that was also approved by the body.

Following claims that dead frogs and fish had been found in the reservoir, parish councillors were confronted with a public meeting of alarmed villagers. One couple claimed their dog had been ill after drinking water from the pond.

But on Monday night parish council chairman, Coun Brian Jones, told how the Environment Agency had visited the pond on four occasions and found no cause for concern. Also, he added, the reservoir was fishing as normal.

He spoke of a letter that had been received from a concerned member of the public.

He said: "The letter I have received contains no evidence of the accusations. However, because of what's gone on, I will answer the letter. I will let them have whatever information is at our disposal."

But he concluded: "I can't see how this can be sustained any longer, There is simply nothing to keep this going. It's dead and buried. It's just simply not true."

Coun Doris Jones, who sits on the parish council and Darlington Borough Council, said the only evidence of any harmful effects of the substance was from an American internet site.

However, she said it was an approved herbicide in Britain and checks on British websites had shown it as suitable for still, shallow waters and lakes